Saturday, March 03, 2007

Boris Johnson Dinner

Last night Angela Watkinson's Parliamentary Dining Club hosted a dinner at the Palms hotel, Harold Wood. The room was packed to the rafters with over 150 people in attendance (of which a large number were CF members). The great interest was no doubt inspired by the guest speaker, Boris Johnson MP.
An excellent meal was followed by Mr Johnson's after dinner speech and to his credit he managed to compete with the sounds from the disco in the adjacent room. As people have come to expect, he was highly entertaining speaker, even if the oratory was not as well-polished as some other politicians. The main thread of his speech was the need for less government interference in day to day lives of ordinary people.
However, the other highlight of the evening (from a HCF point of view) was when GK delivered grace before the meal and to the amused of the guests showed Mr Johnson that he was not the only conservative who gets muddled up when public speaking!

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